Nevada Peer Support Network

Providing resources and support to our Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS, First Responders,
Veterans, Hospital Professionals, Military Personnel and their families . . .


Treatment Centers

These rehabilitation facilities have programs vetted by first responders

IAFF Center of Excellence

IAFF Center of Excellence                 Go To Site

IAFF members are twice as likely as the general population to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and co-occurring addictions. That’s why a treatment center specifically for the fire service is more important now than ever before. ​

The IAFF Center of Excellence provides evidence-based care for addiction and co-occurring disorders, including PTSD, anxiety and depression. Through an essential partnership between the IAFF and Advanced Recovery Systems, a nationwide leader in rehabilitation and behavioral health, the IAFF Center of Excellence is a flagship recovery center where IAFF members can face their struggles directly.

Trauma, PTSD, and Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities

These rehabilitation facilities and their programs
have been vetted by first responders..."

Website Website Bayside Marin - California

Website Sierra Tucson - Arizona

Website Great Oaks Recovery Center - Texas

Website Life Healing Center - New Mexico

Website La Hacienda - Texas

Website Recovery Ways - Utah

Website Deer Hollow Recovery and Wellness Center - Utah

Website Florida House Experience Shatterproof (First Responder)

Website Chateau Recovery

Website Rosecrance - North Mulford Road Rockford, IL

Website New Method Wellness - San Juan Capistrano, CA

Website Back to the Basics Flagstaff, AZ

Website Recovery Ways 3 locations in Utah

Website First Responders First, Lake Hughes, Ca. Angeles National Forest